
Client: https://github.com/CodeyWorley/swanson-quotes-client

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Junior Full Stack Developer At Openforce we work in terms of user stories with varying degrees of requirements along with lots of feedback cycles. We feel the best way to measure how someone would work with our team is to simulate self-organized work. The following steps make up the technical interview. Any language/framework for submissions is acceptable. React (front end) and Elixir (back end) preferred.

Create a GitHub repository for this project. Complete the stories below. Email development@oforce.com a link to your application AND GitHub repository with subject “Junior Full Stack Developer Candidate - Your Name" Using the “Ron Swanson Quotes API” - https://github.com/jamesseanwright/ron-swanson-quotes#ron-swanson-quotes-api

Front End Stories Show Me Swanson Swag As an internet user I should be able to get Ron Swanson quotes on demand.

It should allow me to click a button/image to get a Swanson word of wisdom Right Size Swanson As an internet user I should be able get quotes that are a size that I requested.

It should allow me to determine if I want a small, medium or large quote It should show me a quote that are 4 words or less if I choose small It should show me a quote that is 5 words to 12 words if I choose medium It should show me a quote that is 13 words or larger if I choose large Back End Stories Vote for Awesomeness As an internet user I should be able to rate a Ron Swanson Quote.

It should let me give it rating of 1 to 5 on a quote It should not let the same IP address / session rate more than 1 time Average Quote Rating As an internet user I should be able to see the average rating for a Ron Swanson Quote.

It should show me the average rating for a quote when displaying the quote