
Statusline for dwm written in Golang

Primary LanguageGo

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dwm2go is a feature-rich statusline for the suckless dwm window manager. dwm2go is written in the Go Programming Language.


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dwm window manager with dwm2go statusline

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the dwm2go statusline


Up to now, dwm2go supports the following features:

  • show date and time
  • show battery status
  • show number of updates for your system (uses checkupdates)
  • show CPU utilization in percent
  • show free space on your system in percent
  • show status of mdp musicplayer and the current song (artist + title)
  • show prices of cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH)


You need golang buildtools to build the files

For Arch install go with sudo pacman -S go

For Debian/Ubuntu do sudo apt-get install go


  1. Download dwm2go from github with git clone https://github.com/michael-kaiser/dwm2go.git
  2. cd into the directory with cd /directory/where/dwm2go/is/saved
  3. Build it with go build
  4. run the binary with ./dwm2go
  5. to start at bootup, also add dwm2go to your .xinitrc file


I do not see the symbols of the statusbar (Bitcoin symbol etc.)?

A: You have to install font-awesome on your system. The statusbar uses font-awesome4. Also add fontawesome to your config of dwm. To have the same font as in the screenshots you should have static const char *fonts[] = { "White Rabbit:pixelsize=10;1", "fontawesome-webfont:pixelsize=8;1" }; in your config.h of your dwm installation.


To get the same look please install the following fonts on your system and configure dwm accordingly.