
Decidim Verifications for Barcelona Energia Census.


Decidim::Verifications::BarcelonaEnergiaCensus will be available as a Component for Verifications

How it works

  • The user must be registered as "normal" Decidim::User. with the same email as Barcelona Energia Platform.
  • Then, User goes to the Authorizations path and fill the fields email and password to verifiy the user. This connects to a WS with params (barcelona_energia_census_url, barcelona_energia_census_secret, barcelona_energia_census_interest) added on secrets.yml.
  • If the return is valid, the user is verified.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'decidim-verifications-barcelona_energia_census'

And then execute:


BarcelonaEnergiaCensus verificator needs 2 values to perform requests: url and interest

Take care to add environment values to the secrets.yml file with:

  barcelona_energia_census_url: <%= ENV["BARCELONA_ENERGIA_CENSUS_URL"] %>
  barcelona_energia_census_secret: <%= ENV["BARCELONA_ENERGIA_CENSUS_SECRET"] %>
  barcelona_energia_census_interest: <%= ENV["BARCELONA_ENERGIA_CENSUS_INTEREST"] %>


  1. Run bundle exec rake test_app. Execution will fail in an specific migration.

  2. cd spec/decidim_dummy_app/ and:

2.1. Comment up execution in failing migration

2.2. Execute...

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:drop
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:create
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails db:migrate
  1. back to root folder cd ../..

  2. run tests with bundle exec rspec

  3. Remember to configure this new test App with configuration values.


Decidim::Verifications::BarcelonaEnergiaCensus depends directly on Decidim::Verifications in 0.16.0 version.


See Decidim.


This engine is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.