
Assets Editor is an open-source editor for client 12+.

Download: (Already compiled, ready to be used)


  • Net Core 3.1
  • Google protobuf lib


Modifying objects.
Copy flags between objects.
Create new objects.
Creating new sprites sheet, merging sprites, exporting and saving as lzma.
Create and edit cyclopedia informations. (Creatures, house, hunts, quests etc)

**This program was created by Arch-Mina, this is my edited version of it**

Arch-Mina original repository:

Edited version

This edited version include all registered creatures that are used on systems like: Bestiary, Prey, Boosted etc.

  • Monster window: Some informations on the monsters window can change colors when picked, the red highlight means that or this change wont have any effect (for example setting a addon number on a outfit that dont have addons) or if the value is confliction with another list, this last one happens on the ' ID: ' textbox, where the ID set on this place is already being used by another different creature, saving a new creature that have the ID with red colors will overwrite the old monster to the new one.

  • Quests/bosses: This information is used on some systems like the 'Team Finder' and others like character info.

  • Achievements: The achivements part is used to show on the player cyclopedia with the specific name, description and the grade (difficulty) of the achievement.

  • House: The house tab can be used to edit the house informations or customize every part of it by importing a .dat file generated by my edited version o Remeres map editor v4.+

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