Pinned Repositories
A functionality fuel system based off of LegacyFuel that uses PolyZones that target fueling pumps and vehicles to allow you to refuel your vehicle, as well as interact-sound to play accurate refueling sounds, Syphoning, Jerry Cans and more!
Gas prices too high? Don't want to buy your own gas? Just steal it! CDN-Syphoning adds syphoning functionality based off an item. The way players get this item is up to you! Players will use the item next to vehicles and be able to steal the gas from the vehicle or refuel the vehicle with the gas they obtained from syphoning.
Codine's Repositories
A functionality fuel system based off of LegacyFuel that uses PolyZones that target fueling pumps and vehicles to allow you to refuel your vehicle, as well as interact-sound to play accurate refueling sounds, Syphoning, Jerry Cans and more!
Gas prices too high? Don't want to buy your own gas? Just steal it! CDN-Syphoning adds syphoning functionality based off an item. The way players get this item is up to you! Players will use the item next to vehicles and be able to steal the gas from the vehicle or refuel the vehicle with the gas they obtained from syphoning.