
Apps and Components for Twitch Overlays

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


  • This project is a work in progress. (Local development is a little cumbersome to setup.)
  • Everything points to the Coding Garden Twitch channel
    • I'm working on moving things into configuration files...
  • The electron app and overlay depend on the Coding Garden API: https://github.com/CodingGarden/api
  • The components have no other dependencies.
    • I am working on moving those components into a separate project that will be published to npm as web components.


npm install

SproutKit Components

npm run styleguide

Electron Chat Overlay

Due to a webpack v4 issue, you must be running node v16 or less to run the electron app.

npm run electron:serve

Lofi Intro / Break Screen

npm run serve:overlay