
A simple Rails link shortener that respects privacy. Easy to self-host on Heroku.

Primary LanguageRuby


A simple Rails link shortener that respects privacy. Easy to self-host on Heroku.


  • Ruby
  • Postgres




rails s


Redirects are configured with the Link model. A Link has the following attributes:

  • slug, the segment in the URL. When running locally this will be at http://localhost:3000/[slug], and in production it will be the path under your deployed server
  • destination, the full URL to redirect to
  • An optional domain, which limits the slug matching to a single domain. This allows you to point multiple domains to the same deployed instance, and have the same slug on different domains go to different destinations

There is no user interface for configuring Links; use the Rails console.

Redirects are always sent as 302 Found. This ensures they aren't permanently cached, so you can change the redirect later.

Accesses are logged as a Hit model. No information about the request is logged except for the time the request was made.

Helpful Queries

Number of hits per link:

Link.select('links.id, domain, slug, COUNT(hits.id) AS hit_count').joins(:hits).group('links.id').order('hit_count DESC').map { |l| "#{l.domain}/#{l.slug} -- #{l.hits.count} hits" }
