
Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


⚠️ This package is still in development.


Widgets-like route elements :

These VRouteElements are used directly inside the "route-tree".

  • VxTabsScaffold
  • VxTabBar :
    • useAutomaticKeepAlive hook is provided for easily keeping the state of the tabs.
  • VxRouteSwitcher
  • StickyQueryParamsScope

Route elements :

These VRouteElements are abstract classes that are supposed to be extended.

  • VxSimpleRoute
  • VxDataRoute
  • VxSwitchRoute

Widgets :

These are normal widgets used inside the widget-tree.

  • PathWidgetSwitcher



Inspired by this example.

This is a VRouteElement that allows you to easily setup a BottomNavigationBar or your own NavigationBar. It implements several features including :

  • Preserved state for each tab
  • Lazily loaded tabs
  • Seamless integration with Flutter's BottomNavigationBar or your own custom NavigationBar
  • Possibility to stack routes on top of the NavigationBar


Inspired by this example.

A VRouteElement that allows you to easily setup a TabBarView where each tab is a different router with its own stack.

It implements several features including :

  • Preserved state for each tab (Optional, should use AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin)
  • Lazily loaded tabs
  • Seamless integration with Flutter's TabBarView
  • Possibility to stack routes on top of the whole TabBarView

Keeping the tabs state

In order to keep the state of the tabs, the widget of each tab route should mixin AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.

You can do this either by :

  • Using the provided hook useAutomaticKeepAlive inside a HookWidget.

  • Manually mixin AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin :

    class MyTab extends StatefulWidget {
      const MyTab({ Key? key }) : super(key: key);
      _MyTabState createState() => _MyTabState();
    /// 1. Mixin [AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin]
    class _MyTabState extends State<MyTab> with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin<MyTab> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        /// 2. Call super.build(context);
        return ...
      /// 3. Override [wantKeepAlive]
      bool get wantKeepAlive => true;


This is a route element (a VNester) that allows to automatically navigate between its switchRoutes based on the state of a riverpod provider.

Some terminology :

  • Matched switchRoute : The switchRoute matching the current state of your provider
  • Switching : Automatically navigating to the matched switchRoute when the state changes.

Nested VxRouteSwitchers

When the VxRouteSwitcher is nested inside another VxRouteSwitcher, you should provide the parentRouteSwitchers argument. It's a list that represents the parent VxRouteSwitcher(s), from top to bottom.

For example, if you have this route-tree :

└── Switcher 1
    ├── Route A : Switcher 2
    │   ├── Route i
    │   └── Route ii : Switcher 3
    │       ├── Route x
    │       └── Route y
    ├── Route B
    └── Route C : Switcher 4
        ├── Route α
        └── Route β

Then you should provide the parentRouteSwitchers argument for Switcher 2, Switcher 3 and Switcher 4.

The parentRouteSwitchers of Switcher 2 and Switcher 4 will look like this :

parentRouteSwitchers: [
      /// Represents Switcher 1

The parentRouteSwitchers of Switcher3 will look like this :

parentRouteSwitchers: [
      /// Represents Switcher 1
      /// Represents Switcher 2

Main redirection

Suppose you have a VxRouteSwitcher that switches between your main route and your "sign-in" route based on the authentication state. When the user navigates to a url that points to somewhere inside the main route, and he's not authenticated, he's redirected to the "sign-in" screen. Ideally, once he logs in, he would be redirected to that url. That's what "Main redirection" is about.

How it works

To enable "main redirection", you should use the constructor VxRouteSwitcher.withMainRedirection. Then you should provide two arguments :

  • mainSwitchRouteName : The name of your main switchRoute.
  • redirectQueryParamName : The name of the "redirect" query parameter.

When you navigate to a url that points to a route inside your main switchRoute, but the matched switchRoute is not the main switchRoute, you are redirected to the matched switchRoute.

In this situation, that url is stored inside the "redirect" query parameter, which will be persisted until the state matches your main switchRoute. When that happens, you are automatically navigated to that url, and the "redirect" query parameter is deleted.

NB : When having multiple VxRouteSwitchers in the route-tree which have "main redirection" enabled, they should each have a different "redirect" query parameter name.

The "redirect" query parameter

The "redirect" query parameter is a sticky query parameter, meaning that internally, a StickyQueryParamsScope is used to automatically persist it in all the subroutes of the VxRouteSwitcher. So you don't need to manually pass it around when navigating.

Nested VxRouteSwitcher & Main redirection

Main redirection works as expected when having multiple nested VxRouteSwitchers, as long as you correctly provide the parentRouteSwitchers wherever needed.

Note that :

  • The "redirect" query parameter of each VxRouteSwitcher is only scoped to that VxRouteSwitcher, meaning that it will only be persisted within its VxRouteSwitcher's routes.
    • Sometimes, it may find itself outside of its VxRouteSwitcher's routes (for example if it was previously encoded into one of its parents' "redirect" query param, or if the user manually enters it). In that case, it simply won't be persisted during subsequent navigations that occur outside of the VxRouteSwitcher's scope.
  • When making the url that will be stored inside the "redirect" query parameter, the VxRouteSwitcher's "redirect" query parameter and its parents' "redirect" query parameter are excluded from that url (to avoid infinite loops). However, its children's "redirect" query parameter are not excluded.


This is a route element (a VGuard) that persists a set of query parameters in all its subroutes. These query parameters are called "Sticky query parameters".

When navigating inside the scope of StickyQueryParamsScope, if you omit a sticky query parameter, it will be automatically re-added. If you want to remove the sticky query parameter from the url, you should set its value to the specified deleteFlag.


  stickyConfigs: [
    StickyConfig.exact(name: 'book-id', deleteFlag: '.'),
    StickyConfig.prefix(prefix: 'book', deleteFlag: '*'),
    StickyConfig.suffix(suffix: 'id'),
    StickyConfig.regExp(regExp: RegExp(r"\d+")),
  stackedRoutes: [

In this example, the sticky query parameters that will be persisted are :

  • The query parameter named 'book-id'. It can be removed from the url by setting its value to ..
  • All the query parameters which name starts with 'book'. Each one can be removed from the url by setting its value to *.
  • All the query parameters which name ends with 'id'. Each one can be removed from the url by setting its value to _, which is the default deleteFlag.
  • All the query parameters which name consists of digits only. Each one can be removed from the url by setting its value to _, which is the default deleteFlag.

NB1 : When the same query parameter is matched by multiple StickyConfigs, if its value equals at least one of their deleteFlags, it will be deleted from the url. NB2 : The delete flag can be set to any value, since it will be percent-encoded. However, keep in mind that the query parameters names should only use alphanumeric characters and unreserved characters.


In beforeEnter/Update, when we navigate using the vRedirector, the new vRedirector gets the same old previousVRouterData. So if you add a sticky query parameter in the middle of the beforeEnter/Update rederections chain, it will not be automatically persisted because the persistence relies on the queryParam to be present in the previousVRouterData.

For this reason, if you add new sticky queryParameters using a vRedirector navigation, and you might have other subsequent vRedirector navigations you might do, make sure to manually persist the added sticky queryParams until the final page is reached and accessed.


This is a basic route, that contains some common information needed for navigation (namely the path and the name), as well as a convenient widgetBuilder that allows you to easily wrap all the routes returned by buildRoutes (nested and stacked).


Create your route class that extends VxSimpleRoute.

Note that :

  • The routeInfoInstance should be a reference to a static variable routeInfo.
  • Instead of overriding buildRoutes, you should override buildRoutesX and return your list of VRouteElements there.
class ProfileRoute extends VxSimpleRoute {
  ProfileRoute(RouteRef routeRef)
      : super(
          routeInfoInstance: routeInfo,
          routeRef: routeRef,

  static final routeInfo = SimpleRouteInfo(
    path: '/profile',
    name: 'profile',

  List<VRouteElement> buildRoutesX() {
    return [
            path: null, // This will match the path specified in [routeInfo]
            widget: ProfilePage(),

You can easily access the routeInfo using ProfileRoute.routeInfo.

To navigate, you can call : ProfileRoute.routeInfo.navigate(...).


This is a route that requires some RouteData to be able to navigate to it.

If the RouteData is not provided, then we are automatically redirected to another route (which you'll specify in routeInfo).

All the features of VxSimpleRoute are also included.


  1. Create a Dataclass that extends RouteData

    class BookRouteData extends RouteData with _$BookRouteData {
      const factory BookRouteData({
        required String title,
        required String author,
      }) = _BookRouteData;
  2. Create your route class that extends VxDataRoute.

    Note that :

    • The routeInfoInstance should be a reference to a static variable routeInfo.
    • Instead of overriding buildRoutes, you should override buildRoutesX and return your list of VRouteElements there.
    class BookRoute extends VxDataRoute<BookRouteData> {
      BookRoute(RouteRef routeRef)
          : super(
              routeInfoInstance: routeInfo,
              routeRef: routeRef,
      static final routeInfo = DataRouteInfo<BookRouteData>(
        path: '/book',
        name: 'book',
        redirectToRouteName: 'all-books',
        redirectToResolver: const RedirectToResolver.noPathParameters(),
      List<VRouteElement> buildRoutesX() {
        return [
            path: null, // This will match the path specified in [routeInfo]
            widget: BookPage(),

You can easily access the routeInfo using BookRoute.routeInfo.

To navigate, you can call : BookRoute.routeInfo.navigate(...).

You can access the routeData in two different ways :

  • If you are inside the route's tree : Read/watch the provider BookRoute.routeInfo.routeDataProvider. You can do this safely from any widget of the routes returned by buildRoutesX. However, if you access it from outside of those, an UnimplementedError will be thrown.
  • If you are outside the route's tree: Read/watch the provider BookRoute.routeInfo.routeDataOptionProvider. This can be safely done from anywhere. This provider holds none() if the route is not in the current stack, otherwise it holds some(routeData).


This is a route intended to be used with VxRouteSwitcher.

All the features of VxSimpleRoute are included.


  1. Create a Dataclass that extends RouteData

    class ProfileRouteData extends RouteData with _$ProfileRouteData {
      const factory ProfileRouteData({
        required String username,
      }) = _ProfileRouteData;
  2. Create your route class that extends VxSwitchRoute.

    Note that :

    • The routeInfoInstance should be a reference to a static variable routeInfo.
    • Instead of overriding buildRoutes, you should override buildRoutesX and return your list of VRouteElements there.
    class ProfileRoute extends VxSwitchRoute<ProfileRouteData> {
      ProfileRoute(RouteRef routeRef)
          : super(
              routeInfoInstance: routeInfo,
              routeRef: routeRef,
          static final routeInfo = SwitchRouteInfo<ProfileRouteData>(
        path: '/profile',
        name: 'profile',
      List<VRouteElement> buildRoutesX() {
         return [
            path: null, // This will match the path specified in [routeInfo]
            widget: ProfilePage(),

You can easily access the routeInfo using ProfileRoute.routeInfo.

You can access the routeData in two different ways :

  • If you are inside the route's tree : Read/watch the provider ProfileRoute.routeInfo.routeDataProvider. You can do this safely from any widget of the routes returned by buildRoutesX. However, if you access it from outside of those, an UnimplementedError will be thrown.
  • If you are outside the route's tree: Read/watch the provider ProfileRoute.routeInfo.routeDataOptionProvider. This can be safely done from anywhere. This provider holds none() if the route is not in the current stack, otherwise it holds some(routeData).


Heavily inspired by the package routed_widget_switcher.


Declaratively switch child widgets based on the current vRouterData (Or based on a vRouterData you provide).

This is useful in 2 primary use cases:

  • When you have scaffolding around your Navigator, like a SideBar or a TitleBar and you would like it to react to location changes
  • When multiple paths resolve to the same Page and you want to move subsequent routing further down the tree

Note: This package does not provide any control of the routers location, it simply reads the current location and responds accordingly.

Basic Usage

The most basic usage :

class SideBar extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(_){
     return PathWidgetSwitcher(
        pathWidgets: [
            path: '/', //or MainRoute.routeInfo.path!
            builder: (path) => const MainMenu(),
            path: '/profile', //or ProfileRoute.routeInfo.path!
            builder: (path) => const ProfileMenu(),

This will automatically extract the current vRouterData from the context. If you want to manually pass in the vRouterData, you can use instead the constructor PathWidgetSwitcher.fromVRouterData.


You may want to use a PathWidgetSwitcher to switch between different appbars. However, the appBar is required be a PreferredSizeWidget, which PathWidgetSwitcher is not.

For this use case, you can instead use PfPathWidgetSwitcher. It has all the functionnality of PathWidgetSwitcher, with the added ability to set the preferredSize.

Path matching

Paths can be defined as simple strings like /user/new or user/:userId, or use regular expression syntax like r'/user/:id(\d+)'. See pathToRegExp package for more details on advanced use cases.

By default, paths are considered to be case-insensitive. This can be controlled globally by setting the caseSensitive property of PathWidgetSwitcher, which can be overridden on a per path basis by setting the caseSensitive property of PathWidget.

If you want a path to be treated as a prefix, you can set the prefix property to true (false by default), or by using the .asPrefix extension method.

// This matches any path that starts with '/'
  path: '/',
  builder: (path) => const MainMenu(),
  prefix: true,
// This is the same as 'prefix: true'
  path: '/',
  builder: (path) => const MainMenu(),

All the paths of the PathWidgets should be absolute (which means they should start with a '/').

In addition to the matching performed by pathToRegExp, you can also specify a wildcard path '*' to match any location and handle unknown paths : PathWidget(path: '*', ...).

Most specific match

PathWidgetSwitcher will attempt to use the most specific match. For example, the url /users/new matches all three of these PathWidgets :

PathWidget(path:'/users/:userId', ...),
PathWidget(path:'/users/new', ...),
PathWidget(path: '*', ...),

Since /users/new is the more exact match, it will be the one to render. /users/:userId would go next, with the wildcard * finally matching last. The order in which you declare the PathWidgets does not matter.

Animate the transition

You can use the builder method of PathWidgetSwitcher to wrap the matched child with something like an AnimatedSwitcher or AnimatedSizeAndFade.

Note that most of these widgets require the children to specify a key in order for the transition to occur.

  pathWidgets: [
      path: MainRoute.routeInfo.path!,
      //The path is conviniently passed into the builder for easy use as a ValueKey
      builder: (path) => MainMenu(key: ValueKey(path)),
      path: ProfileRoute.routeInfo.path!,
      builder: (path) => ProfileMenu(key: ValueKey(path)),
  builder: (context, child) => AnimatedSwitcher(
    duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
    child: child,

Important Remarks

For VxRouteSwitcher and VxDataRoute, I tried to implement something like a redirecting screen (± a switching screen). And also have async methods such as beforeRedirect and beforeSwitch. To prevent concurrency issues, all navigations (switching/redirections) were queued.

However, it was nearly impossible to do so using vRouter. That's because every navigation triggers a new beforeEnter/beforeUpdate callback, which then is nearly impossible to track its origin. I tried many methods : Using the vRouterData, using mutable propreties / a custom queue, static providers, query parameters... All methods failed, each one for a different reason (mutable propreties were easily messed up - static providers hold the same data for the same route so queuing the same route twice broke the system - query parameters are modifiable by the user...). And this was only a part of the problem, as the whole idea of making the navigation asynchroneous was too complex for vRouter.

This is why I settled on keeping the navigation synchroneous, and only having afterSwitch / afterRedirect methods, that didn't interfere with the navigation cycle because I put them at the end without awaiting for them.

It is still possible to make something like a switchingScreen, by structuring your VxSwitchRoute this way :

VGuard : after Entering the switching screen, we wait a little before redirecting to a stackedRoute.
| _ VWidget : The switching screen
    |_ Stacked routes : ..your routes..

The advantages are that :

  • The transitions are working properly right off the bat.
  • Even if the redirection is asynchroneous, there is no concurrency issues to fear. So if for example the state changes before the redirection happens, then the VxRouteSwitcher will switch to the new switchRoute, and when the redirection is finally executed it will be stopped.

VsCode snippets

"VxSimpleRoute": {
  "prefix": "vxsimpleroute",
  "body": [
    "class ${1}Route extends VxSimpleRoute {",
    "  ${1}Route(RouteRef routeRef)",
    "    : super(",
    "      routeInfoInstance: routeInfo,",
    "      routeRef: routeRef,",
    "     );",
    "  ",
    "  static final routeInfo = SimpleRouteInfo(",
    "    path: ${2},",
    "    name: ${3},",
    "  );",
    "  @override",
    "  List<VRouteElement> buildRoutesX() {",
    "    return [",
    "      ${4}",
    "    ];",
    "  }",
  "description": "VxSimpleRoute"
"RouteData": {
  "prefix": "routedata",
  "body": [
    "class ${1}RouteData extends RouteData with _$${1}RouteData {",
    "  const factory ${1}RouteData(${2}) = _${1}RouteData;",

  "description": "RouteData"
"VxDataRoute": {
  "prefix": "vxdataroute",
  "body": [
    "class ${1}Route extends VxDataRoute<${1}RouteData> {",
    "  ${1}Route(RouteRef routeRef)",
    "    : super(",
    "        routeRef: routeRef,",
    "        routeInfoInstance: routeInfo,",
    "      );",
    "  static final routeInfo = DataRouteInfo<${1}RouteData>(",
    "    path: ${2},",
    "    name: ${3},",
    "    redirectToRouteName: ${4},",
    "    redirectToResolver: ${5},",
    "  );",
    "  @override",
    "  List<VRouteElement> buildRoutesX() {",
    "    return [",
    "      ${6}",
    "    ];",
    "  }",
  "description": "VxDataRoute"
"VxSwitchRoute": {
  "prefix": "vxswitchroute",
  "body": [
    "class ${1}Route extends VxSwitchRoute<${1}RouteData> {",
    "  ${1}Route(RouteRef routeRef)",
    "    : super(",
    "        routeInfoInstance: routeInfo,",
    "        routeRef: routeRef,",
    "      );",
    "  static final routeInfo = SwitchRouteInfo<${1}RouteData>(",
    "    path: ${2},",
    "    name: ${3},",
    "  );",
    "  @override",
    "  List<VRouteElement> buildRoutesX() {",
    "    return [",
    "      ${4}",
    "    ];",
    "  }",
  "description": "VxSwitchRoute"