
Beginner-friendly documentation & best practices for getting started with OpenSource & OpenSource Platform. It also highlights some best OpenSource Communities, Programs, etc...

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Open-Source for Everyone ( v1.1 release 🟢 )



Hi folks 👋,

Today we will be discussing about something special .i.e, "OpenSource"!

So let me first of all, ask you all that "Are you not a Programmer????"

Then OpenSource is not for you!!! Wait.... What??????😱😨


Ahhh... I was just kidding🤣

In-fact, anyone can start Opensourcing!!! 😎😎 ( This time I am not kidding 😅 )


So let us now, discuss about what is OpenSource??

A software's original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified according to the requirement of the user.

Programmers have:

More control over that kind of software & can examine the code to make sure it's not doing anything you don't want it to do, and fix bugs

What about others?

You can make your projects, blogs, etc.. open source and let others contribute or view your work & many more advantages...

other advantage includes:

A large community of like minded inspiring people You get essential support and help get to collaborate with for your project, work, etc... & many more..... 🤩

So what are you waiting for?? let's get started with one of the well known OpenSource Platforms :

You can select any of the doc to get started with according to your convienience

Learning Tracks (we provide):

We hope you enjoy it and get to learn something new and awesome from it & make sure to provide your reviews for this docs here:-


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