Async/Await ldap wrapper


Expose our most used ldap functions as async/await for use across projects.


  • Authentication
  • Get user groups
  • Expose raw ldap client



npm install 4q-node-ldap --save
const ldap = require('4q-node-ldap');

const ldapConn = await ldap.Connect(
    { /* tls options */ },
    { /* ldap options */ }

await ldapConn.authenticate('', 'password');
await ldapConn.groups('');


npm run build

Whenever this package is updated locally the changes will be available in the projects that are linked

  • Run the following command at the root of this package npm link

  • In the project where you want to use this package link the npm package locally with npm link 4q-node-ldap


Any changes made must first be built and then version increased before publishing

  1. npm version major|minor|patch

  2. npm login

  3. npm publish