
learner project

Primary LanguagePython


Learning project

Run on Python version: Python 3.9.6

Setup local environment

Install Docker and Docker compose first

After installation, run the following command to create a local Docker container.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

If Docker is running successfully, the API and DB server will be launched as shown in the following:

Be careful, it won't work if the port is occupied by another application.

If you want to check docker is actually working, then you can check it with following command:

docker ps

If you want to go inside of docker container, then try to use following command:

docker-compose exec mysql bash
docker-compose exec api bash

To shut down the docker instance, please use following command:

docker-compose down

How to check the DB tables in container

You can check the DB data by actually executing a query using the following command:

docker-compose exec mysql bash
mysql -u root -p
mysql> USE fastapi_app;

Username and password can be found in the database/local.env file.

DB Migrations

When creating DB docker container, docker will create predefined tables in database/db folder. That help to control versions of database.

The main table definition has already been created with the name game_board_table.sql.

Save the local DB changes as a dump file

docker-compose exec mysql mysqldump -u root -p fastapi_app > database/db/dumpname.sql

API documentation

http://localhost:8000/docs#/ OR http://localhost:8000/redoc

Old instructions

to run the project, use the following command: python3 -m uvicorn rock_paper_scissors.src.routes:app --reload

then there are two endpoints: and