BattleRoyale also Known as Battlegrounds is a gamemode where a set amount of players go(land) into a map and gather weapons to then become the last player standing.
You have free reign over what you do with the plugin VIA the config.yml and default.yml files.
1: Download the .phar file from
2: Place the .phar file inside your Server's Directory for Plugins (Almost 100% of the time Called and Reffered to as /plugins/).
3: Configure the file how you see fit.
4: Restart your server.
5: Have a hell of a time playing.
This plugin DOESN'T support spoons/varients of PocketMine. Support for such are few and far between. I repeat DO NOT use this plugin with spoons/varients of PocketMine. I will attempt to add more languages to the file when i see fit. If you can translate English to (German/Spanish/French/Arabic etc.) Add Me on Discord: Jory#2837