
This is a project I made to get more familiar with Ruby On Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby On Rails Blog App

I made this project to learn Ruby and Rails so I could be better prepared for interviews at companies that use this program stack

Install Dependencies

Make sure you have Ruby and Rails installed on your machine. Once you do, you can use gem in your

  1. Run this in terminal/command prompt: gem install bundler
  2. Run this in terminal/command prompt: bundle install

Hot Module Repacement

To enable hot module replacement, run this command in the terminal/command prompt

  1. Run this in terminal/command prompt: bundle exec guard

To Run This Project

  1. Clone the reop
  2. Run this in terminal/command prompt: rails s
  3. Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser

To Get All Project Routes

  1. Run this in terminal/command prompt: rake routes

Useful Rails Tips

To generate a controller called post_controller.rb run this in terminal/command prompt: rails g controller posts

To generate a model called Post with fields title and content run this in terminal/command prompt: rails g model Post title:string content:text

To migrate the rails database run this in terminal/command prompt: rails db:migrate

To generate your own migration run this in terminal/command prompt: rails g migration AddPostIdToComments

Accessing Our Rails Database Using Rails Console

  1. To access rails console run this in terminal/command prompt: rails console

  2. Then to access individual models like Post by running: @post = Post

  3. Then connect to that models data by running: @post.connection

  4. Then view all the records of that model by running: @post.all

  5. To create a reference to an individual record by its Id run: Post.find(8)

  6. Now running @post should return that individual post which you can now edit the values of like this: @post.title "New title", and then run this to save the changes: @post.save