Pet Bakery - Basic HTML Document

Description 📄

This lab introduces you to the fundamental structure of an HTML document. You'll create a simple webpage for a pet bakery and understand the essential tags used in HTML.

Acceptance Criteria 📋

  1. File Navigation: Navigate to index.html.
  2. Boilerplate Generation: Use shortcuts to generate HTML boilerplate.
  3. Giving the document a title: Use the given title for the document.
  4. Header Tags Insertion: Insert appropriate header tags based on their function.
  5. Paragraph Tag Insertion: Insert a paragraph tag with the given copy.
  6. List Tag Insertion: Create an unordered list of products.

ToDo list ✅

Attention: When you complete a task, put an x in the middle of the brackets to mark it off your ToDo list.

  1. Navigate to the index.html file.
  2. In line 1, type an exclamation point, wait to see the prompt, then hit enter.
  3. When you have your boilerplate code, in the head element, locate the title element and enter Pet Bakery.
  4. Inside the body tag, put the appropriate header tag for a main header with the copy: Welcome to Our Pet Bakery.
  5. Under your main header, insert a paragraph tag with this copy: We offer a variety of healthy and delicious treats for your pets.
  6. Under that, insert a subheader with the copy: Our Products.
  7. Under the subheader, create an unordered list with the following items: Dog Biscuits, Cat Treats, Bird Seed Bars.

🎊 Fantastic work! You just finished your first HTML coding lab. 🎊

Solution codebase 👀

🛑 Only use this as a reference 🛑

💾 Not something to copy and paste 💾

Note: This lab references a solution file located here (link not shown).