
Block tune for Editor.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

EditorJS Indent Tune

Indent feature for Editor.js.


Install via NPM

npm i editorjs-indent-tune

Load from CDN

Require this script on a page with Editor.js.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/editorjs-indent-tune/dist/bundle.js"><script>


import EditorJS from '@editorjs/editorjs'
import IndentTune from 'editorjs-indent-tune'

 * Editor.js configuration
const editor = new EditorJS({
     * Connect tool
    tools: {
        indentTune: IndentTune,

     * Apply to all the blocks
    tunes: ['indentTune'],

    // ...

Optionally, you can connect this Tune only for specified blocks:

const editor = new EditorJS({
    tools: {
        indentTune: IndentTune,
        paragraph: {
            // apply only for the 'paragraph' tool
            tunes: ['indentTune'],

You can disable this tune for a specific block by not adding it in the tunes array

const editor = new EditorJS({
    tools: {
        someOtherTool: {
            tunes: [
                /* all other tunes except those you dont want*/

Complete example:

import IndentTune, { type IndentTuneConfig } from 'editorjs-indent-tune'

const editor = new EditorJS({
    tools: {

        someOtherBlock: {
        indentTune: {
            class: IndentTune,
            config: {
                customBlockIndentLimits: {
                    someOtherBlock: { max: 5 },
                maxIndent: 10,
                indentSize: 30,
                multiblock: true,
                tuneName: 'indentTune',
                // If you use typescript
            } as IndentTuneConfig,

What if my editor also has a text alignment tune?

You can use the directionChangeHandler config field for that.

Here is one solution:

class MyAlignmentTuneClass /* extends maybe other class */ {
    private block
    constructor({ block }) {
        this.block = block
        // ...

    private static listeners = new Set()
    public static addChangeListener(listener: (blockId: string, direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl') => void) {

    private onChange(alignment) {
        MyAlignmentTuneClass.listeners.forEach((l) => l(this.block.id, alignment == 'left' ? 'ltr' : 'rtl'))

    public wrap(blockContent) {
        AlignmentBlockTune.listeners.forEach((l) => l(this.block.id, this.data.alignment == 'left' ? 'ltr' : 'rtl'))

const editor = new EditorJS({
    tools: {
        alignmentTune: {
            class: MyAlignmentTuneClass,
        indentTune: {
            class: IndentTune,
            config: {
                directionChangeHandler: MyAlignmentTuneClass.addChangeListener,

You're free to use whatever implementation you wish.

Config Params (optional)

Field Type Description Default
indentSize number Size of one indent level (in pixels) 24
maxIndent number The upper indent limit of any block 8
minIndent number The lower indent limit of any block 0
orientation 'horizontal' | 'vertical' The UI design for how you want the toolbox to be displayed horizontal
customBlockIndentLimits Record<string, Partial<Record<'min' | 'max', number>>> A set of overrides of the indent limit for each type of block {}
multiblock boolean Marks if you can indent multiple blocks at a time false
tuneName string | null This is required for multiblock to work null
handleShortcut ((e:KeyboardEvent, blockId:string) => 'unindent' | 'indent' | 'default' | void) | undefined Custom shortcut function that allows overriding the default indenting using keyboard undefined
direction 'ltr' | 'rtl' Specify the global direction of the indents ltr
directionChangeHandler null | (listener: (blockId: string, direction: TextDirection) => void): void If provided will be used to apply visual changes (indent direction) based on the provided change value. null