Google Book Search


The purpose of this project was to practice refactoring a rest API so that it was a MERN app. Building the project gave me the opportunity to work with React and MongoDB some more. This projects has both a front and back end so I was able to deploy it using Heroku. This gave me more experience with using Heroku to deploy live applications. The application itself can be used to keep track of books that a user has read.

Table of Contents


The user can clone the code from the GitHub repo. Once the code is cloned and opened in a code editor the user should install all npm packages by running

npm i

To invoke the application the user can run

npm start

If the user wants to run in a dev environment so the server refreshes after changes are made the user should run

npm run develop


The applications usage is fairly simple. A non logged in user is free to browse the site and search for books. In order to save books to a user they must be logged in. If a user does not already have an account they can sign up for and account and will then gain the functionality of adding books to their list. Once a book is added to a user's list they can go to their list and review books they have previously read. If they want to delete a book from their list that option is available as well.


Google Books Search


README Template

Heroku Deployment
