E-Commerce Backend


The purpose of this project was to practice using Object-Relational Mapping to create an E-Commerce backend. This would allow a manager at an internet retail company to manage stock and compete with other e-commerce companies. While working on this project I was able to extend my learning and apply the sequilize content that I had recently learned.

Table of Contents


The user can clone the code from the GitHub repo. Once the code is cloned and opened in a code editor the user should install all npm packages by running

npm i

The user will also have to create a .env file in order to store their credentials for the connection. The user will have to input DB_NAME, DB_USER, and DB_PW variables with their credentials as the values. The next step is to run the schema file with mysql. The user will enter their mysql shell and run

SOURCE db/schema.sql 

from the root of the project. The user can now exit the mysql shell. The user can seed the database running

node run seed


To invoke the application the user can run

npm start

If the user wants to run in a dev environment so the server refreshes after changes are made the user should run

npm run watch

Walkthrough Video


README Template
