Social Network API


The purpose of this project was to practice using MongoDB which is a noSQL database. Along with MongoDB I was able to practice using Mongoose, which is a Node.js package that provides a shema-based solution. The API allows users to share thoughts, react to friends' thoughts, and create a friend list. While building this application I also got to practice using Express for routing as well. We have been using Express for awhile now so it is starting to get faster to write.

Table of Contents


The user can clone the code from the GitHub repo. Once the code is cloned and opened in a code editor the user should install all npm packages by running

npm i

From here the user can activily use the application.


To invoke the application the user can run

npm start

If the user wants to run in a dev environment so the server refreshes after changes are made the user should run

npm run dev

Since there is no front end the user will have to use Insomnia or Postman in order to send request to the backend.

Walkthrough Video (May have to download)


README Template
