
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This package is the source for TAM tool for Red Hatters to request access to accounts in order to debug their data. Designs can be found here.

Since most components are only slightly tweaked between the requester (aka internal) and approver (aka external) views an isInternal flag is passed around to control visibility.

The list and details pages are exported as federated modules for use in rbac-ui.


  1. npm install
  1. npm start
  1. SPANDX_CONFIG="$(pwd)/insights-inventory-frontend/config/spandx.config.js" bash insights-proxy/scripts/run.sh
  2. npm run start:frontend
  1. npm run start:proxy or on beta env: BETA=true npm run start:proxy


We are using jest and react-testing