A tool to update, change or add license headers to all files of any of the supported types (see below) in or below some directory.
usage: licenseheaders [-h] [-V] [-v] [-d DIR] [-b] [-t TMPL] [-y YEARS]
[--enc ENCODING] [--safesubst] [-D]
Python license header updater
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose increases log verbosity (can be specified 1 to 3
times, default shows errors only)
-d DIR, --dir DIR The directory to recursively process (default: .).
-b Back up all files which get changed to a copy with
.bak added to the name
-t TMPL, --tmpl TMPL Template name or file to use.
-y YEARS, --years YEARS
Year or year range to use.
-o OWNER, --owner OWNER
Name of copyright owner to use.
Name of project to use.
Url of project to use.
--enc ENCODING Encoding of program files (default: utf-8)
--safesubst Do not raise error if template variables cannot be
-D Enable debug messages (same as -v -v -v)
Provide a comma-separated list of additional file
extensions as value for a specified language as key,
each with a leading dot and no whitespace (default:
Known extensions: ['.java', '.scala', '.groovy', '.jape', '.js', '.sh', '.csh', '.py', '.pl', '.pl', '.robot', '.xml', '.sql', '.c', '.cc', '.cpp', 'c++', '.h', '.hpp', '.rb', '.cs', '.vb', '.erl', '.src', '.config', '.schema']
If -t/--tmpl is specified, that header is added to (or existing header replaced for) all source files of known type
If -t/--tmpl is not specified byt -y/--years is specified, all years in existing header files
are replaced with the years specified
# add a lgpl-v3 header and set the variables for year, owner, project and url to the given values
# process all files in the current directory and below
licenseheaders -t lgpl-v3 -y 2012-2014 -o ThisNiceCompany -n ProjectName -u http://the.projectname.com
# only update the year in all existing headers
# process all files in the current directory and below
licenseheaders -y 2012-2015
# only update the year in all existing headers, process the given directory
licenseheaders -y 2012-2015 -d /dir/where/to/start/
# apply copyright headers to files specified by their language family + file extensions
licenseheaders -y 2012-2015 -d /dir/where/to/start/ --additional-extensions python=.j2
licenseheaders -y 2012-2015 -d /dir/where/to/start/ --additional-extensions python=.j2,.tpl script=.txt
If licenseheaders is installed as a package (from pypi for instance), one can interact with it as a command line tool:
python -m licenseheaders -t lgpl3 -c "Eager Hacker"
or directly:
licenseheaders -t lgpl3 -c "Eager Hacker"
Download licenseheaders.py
from http://github.com/johann-petrak/licenseheaders
or :
pip install licenseheaders
This library comes with a number of predefined templates. If a template name is specified which when matched against all predefined template names matches exactly one as a substring, then that template is used. Otherwise the name is expected to be the path of file.
If a template does not contain any variables of the form ${varname}
it is used as is.
Otherwise the program will try to replace the variable from one of the following
- an environment variable with the same name but the prefix
added - the command line option that can be used to set the variable (see usage)
NOTE: You can provide additional file extensions with --additional-extensions
cli argument.
Note that file extensions which contain multiple dots, e.g. ".py.j2", are not yet supported,
use ".j2" at the moment instead.
- extensions .java, .scala, .groovy, .jape, .js
- also used for Javascript
- only headers that use Java block comments are recognised as existing headers
- the template text will be wrapped in block comments
- extensions .sh, .csh
- extension .pl
- extension .py
- extension .xml
- extension .sql
- extensions .c, .cc, .cpp, .c++, .h, .hpp
- extension .rb
- extension .cs
- extension .vb
- extensions .erl, .src, .config, .schema
Licensed under the term of MIT License
. See file LICENSE.txt.