
My "globally"-installed npm packages.

MIT LicenseMIT


My "globally"-installed npm packages.


The purpose of this package is to provide "globally" installed modules (i.e. command line tools) be managed like a regular package with locally-installed modules. This simplifies some processes, at the relatively low cost of adding a directory to the $PATH.

Recommended install method

  1. Clone the repo to your home directory.
  2. Install the modules: npm install
  3. Add the following to your .profile, .bash_profile, etc.:
# set PATH so it includes custom globally-installed node modules
if [ -d "$HOME/.npm_global/node_modules/.bin" ] ; then

Adding a new global package

Use cd ~/.npm_global && npm install --save-dev <package> to install a new package and save it as a devDependency (recommended, since command line tools are generally part of a development workflow anyway).

For convenience, a shell function can be created:

# work with npm in ~/.npm_globals
npm_g() {
    (cd ~/.npm_global && npm $@)

For example, this lets you use npm_g install --save-dev <package> to install and save a new dependency.