Dailymotion Objective-C SDK
This repository contains the official open source Objective-C SDK that allows you to access the Dailymotion API from your Mac OS X or iOS application.
See documentation at http://www.dailymotion.com/doc/api/sdk-objc.html
NOTE: This is the version 2.0 of the Dailymotion SDK. This version raises the minimum iOS deployement version to 5.0. If you need iOS 3+ support, please see https://github.com/dailymotion/dailymotion-sdk-objc/tree/1.8.
Useful Resources
- Dailymotion SDK API Reference: http://dailymotion.github.com/dailymotion-sdk-objc/html/index.html
- Dailymotion API Reference: http://www.dailymotion.com/doc/api/reference.html
- Dailymotion API Explorer: http://www.dailymotion.com/doc/api/explorer
Copy DailymotionSDK.framework in your project
- Download the last version of the framework from https://github.com/dailymotion/dailymotion-sdk-objc/downloads.
- Drag and drop the framework on your xcode project navigator and check the "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" checkbox.
Add build target dependencies
- In you application project app's target settings, find the "Build Phases" section and open the "Link Binary With Libraries" block.
- Click the "+" button again and select the
- Click the "+" button again and select the
Import headers in your source files
In the source files where you need to use the library, use #import <DailymotionSDK/DailymotionSDK.h>
#import <DailymotionSDK/DailymotionSDK.h>
We are relying on the [GitHub issues tracker][issues] linked from above for feedback. File bugs or other issues http://github.com/dailymotion/dailymotion-sdk-objc/issues