
share sate for react hooks

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The best way to manage your state with hooks for your react application.

efficiency 、light 、easy to use 、typescript friendly. try it!

npm i tele-state

step1 - create a useTeleState hook with init value.

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'

import { createTeleState } from 'tele-state'

const { useTeleState } = createTeleState(1)

step2 - use it as hooks in any component.

  function ComponentA(){
    const [ count ] = useTeleState()
    console.log('B----------', count)
    return <>{count}</>

  function ComponentB(){
    const [ count, setCount ] = useTeleState()
    console.log('A----------', count)
    useEffect( () =>{
      setCount(count+1) // ComponentA will update too.
    }, [] )
    return <button onClick={() => setCount(count+1)}>add {count}</button>

useState out of component

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'

import { createTeleState } from 'tele-state'

const { 
  dispatch, // used to  update state sync ,but render is async out of component\hooks.
  getState, // used to getState out of component\hooks.
} = createTeleState(1)

export addCount = async () => {
  // update teleState sync.
  dispatch(preCount => preCount +1 )
  const count = getState()  // get updated state.
  await fetch(`/api/sendCount?count=${count}`) 



import { createTeleState } from 'tele-state'
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'

// create a useTeleState hook, then you can use it as useState.
const { useTeleState } = createTeleState(1)

function ComponentA(){
	const [ count ] = useTeleState()
	console.log('B----------', count)
	return <>{count}</>

function ComponentB(){
	const [ count, setCount ] = useTeleState()
	console.log('A----------', count)
	useEffect( () =>{
		setCount(count+1) // ComponentA will update too.
	}, [] )
	return <button onClick={() => setCount(count+1)}>add {count}</button>


import { createTeleReducer } from 'tele-state'
import React, { useEffect, Reducer } from 'react'

 *  the reducer is samilar to useReducer.
 * @param count 
 * @param param1 
const reducer:Reducer<number, {type:'add'}> = (count, {type}) => {
    switch (type) {
        case 'add':
            return count +1
        default :
        return count

 * create a useTeleReducer hook with reducer.
const { useTeleReducer } = createTeleReducer(reducer, 1)

function ComponentA(){
	const [ count ] = useTeleReducer()
	console.log('B----------', count)
	return <>{count}</>

function ComponentB(){
	const [ count, dispatch ] = useTeleReducer()
	console.log('A----------', count)
	useEffect( () =>{
		dispatch({type:'add'}) // ComponentA will update too.
	}, [] )
	return <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: 'add'})}>add {count}</button>