
Dockerfiles for the mailman suite.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GNU Mailman 3 Deployment with Docker

This repository hosts code for two docker images maxking/mailman-core and maxking/mailman-web both of which are meant to deploy GNU Mailman 3 in a production environment.

Docker is a container ecosystem which can run containers on several platforms. It consists of a tool called docker-compose which can be used to run multi-container applications. This repository consists of a docker-compose.yaml file which is a set of configurations that can be used to deploy the Mailman 3 Suite.


The tags for the images are assumed to be release versions for images. This is going to be somewhat common philosophy of distributing Container images where the images with same tags are usually updated with the new functionality.

Releases will follow the following rules:

  • Images tagged like A.B.C will never change. If you want to pin down versions of Images, use these tags.

  • Images tagged with A.B will correspond to the latest A.B.C version released. Releases in A.B series are supposed to be backwards compatible i.e. any existing installation should not break when upgrading between subversions of A.B.C. So, if you want the latest updates and want to frequently update your installation without having to change the version numbers, you can use this.

  • Any changes in the Mailman components of the Images will cause a bump in the Minor version i.e. A.(B+1) will have one (and only one) updated Mailman component from A.B. Also, significant change in functionality, that might change how Images work or how people interact with the containers, can also cause a bump in the minor version.

  • Major versions will change either when there are backwards imcompatible changes or when the releases reach a certain set milestone.


All the releases are signed and can be verified using Docker Content Trust. To make sure that your docker client actually verifies these signatures, you can enable Docker's content trust by setting an environment variable DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST. In bash/zsh you can try this:


Or, alternatively, you can do this on a per-command basis without setting the environment variable above. For example, when pulling an image:

$ docker pull --disable-content-trust=false maxking/mailman-core:release

The above command will fail if the release tag doesn't exist or is not signed.


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

To run this you first need to download docker for whichever operating system you are using. You can find documentation about how to install. It is recomended to use these instead of the one from your package managers. After you have downloaded and installed docker, install docker-compose from here.


Most of the configuraiton is supposed to be handled through environment variables in the docker-compose.yaml.


These are the settings that you MUST change before deploying:

  • SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN: The domain name from which Django will be served. To be added to ALLOWED_HOSTS in django settings. Default value is not set.

  • HYPERKITTY_API_KEY: Hyperkitty's API Key, should be set to the same value as set for the mailman-core.

For more detauls on how to configure this image, please look at Mailman-web's Readme


These are the variables that you MUST change before deploying:

  • HYPERKITT_API_KEY: Hyperkitty's API Key, should be set to the same value as set for the mailman-core.

  • DATABASE_URL: URL of the type driver://user:password@hostname:port/databasename for the django to use. If not set, the default is set to sqlite:///opt/mailman-web-data/mailmanweb.db. The standard docker-compose.yaml comes with it set to a postgres database. It is not must to change this if you are happy with postgresql.

  • DATABASE_TYPE: It's value can be one of sqlite, postgres or mysql as these are the only three database types that Mailman 3 supports. It's defualt value is set to sqlite along with the default database class and default database url above.

  • DATABASE_CLASS: Default value is mailman.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase. The values for this can be found in the mailman's documentation here.

For more details on how to configure this image, please look Mailman-core's Readme

If you need more advanced configuration, you can have configuration files for Mailman Core and Django too. For Core, it needs to exist at /opt/mailman/core/mailman-extra.cfg, anything in the configuration file will override the default ones. For Django, you can add settings to /opt/mailman/web/settings_local.py where you can override the default settings.


To run the containers, simply run:

$ mkdir -p /opt/mailman/core
$ mkdir -p /opt/mailman/web
$ git clone https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman
$ cd docker-mailman
# Change some configuration variables as mentioned above.
$ docker-compose up -d

This command will do several things, most importantly:

  • Run a wsgi server using uwsgi for the Mailman's Django based web frontend listening on It will run 2 worker processes with 4 threads each. You may want to change the setting ALLOWED_HOSTS in the settings before deploying the application in production.

  • Run a postgresql server with a default database, username and password as mentioned in the docker-compose.yaml. You will have to change configuration files too if you change any of these.

  • Run mailman-core listening an LMTP server at for messages from MTA. You will have to configure your MTA to send messages at this address.

Some more details about what the above system achives is mentioned below. If you are only going to deploy a simple configuration, you don't need to read this. However, these are very easy to understand if you know how docker works.

  • First create a bridge network called mailman in the docker-compose.yaml. It will probably be named something else in your machine, but it will use the as subnet. All the containers mentioned (mailman-core, mailman-web, database) will join this network and are assigned static IPs. The host operating system is available at from within these containers.

  • Spin off mailman-core container which has a static IP address of in the mailman bridge network created above. It has GNU Mailman 3 core running inside it. Mailman core's REST API is available at port 8001 and LMTP server listens at port 8024.

  • Spin off mailman-web container which has a django application running with both Mailman's web frontend Portorius and Mailman's Web based Archiver running. Uwsgi server is used to run a web server with the configuration provided in this repository here. You may want to change the setting ALLOWED_HOSTS in the settings before deploying the application in production. You can do that by adding a /opt/mailman/web/settings_local.py which is imported by the Django when running.

  • Spin off a postgresql database container which is used by both mailman-core and mailman-web as their primary database.

  • mailman-core mounts /opt/mailman/core from host OS at /opt/mailman in the container. Mailman's var directory is stored there so that it is accesible from the host operating system. Configuration for Mailman core is generated on every run from the environement variables provided. Extra configuration can also be provided at /opt/mailman/core/mailman-extra.cfg (on host), and will be added to generated configuration file. Mailman also needs another configuration file called mailman-hyperkitty.cfg and is also expected to be at /opt/mailman/core/ on the host OS.

  • mailman-web mounts /opt/mailman/web from the host OS to /opt/mailman-web-data in the container. It consists of the logs and settings_local.py file for Django.

  • database mounts /opt/mailman/database at /var/lib/postgresql/data so that postgresql can persists its data even if the database containers are updated/changed/removed.

Setting up your MTA

The provided docker containers do not have an MTA in-built. You can either run your own MTA inside a container and have them relay emails to the mailman-core container or just install an MTA on the host and have them relay emails.

To use Exim4, it should be setup to relay emails from and The mailman specific configuration is provided in the repository at core/assets/exim. There are three files

  • 25_mm_macros to be placed at /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/25_mm3_macros in a typical debian instal of exim4. Please change MY_DOMAIN_NAME to the domain name that will be used to serve mailman. Multi-domains setups will be added later.

  • 455_mm3_router to be placed at /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/455_mm3_router in a typical debian instal of exim4.

  • 55_mm3_transport to be placed at /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/55_mm3_transport in a typical debian instal of exim4.

Also, the default cofiguration inside the mailman-core image has MTA set to Exim, but just for the reference, it looks like this:

# mailman.cfg
incoming: mailman.mta.exim4.LMTP
outgoing: mailman.mta.deliver.deliver
lmtp_host: $MM_HOSTNAME                   # IP Address of mailman-core cotainer.
lmtp_port: 8024
smtp_host: $SMTP_HOST                     # IP Address of host where exim is.
smtp_port: $SMTP_PORT                     # Port on which exim is listening.
configuration: python:mailman.config.exim4

To use Postfix, you can it should be setup to relay emails from and The mailman specific configuration is mentioned below which you should add to you main.cf configuration file, which is typically at /etc/postfix/main.cf on debian based operating systems:

# master.cf

# Support the default VERP delimiter.
recipient_delimiter = +
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
owner_request_special = no

transport_maps =
local_recipient_maps =
relay_domains =

To configure Mailman to use Postfix, add the following to mailman-extra.cfg at /opt/mailman/core/mailman-extra.cfg.

# mailman-extra.cfg

incoming: mailman.mta.postfix.LMTP
outgoing: mailman.mta.deliver.deliver
lmtp_host:                   # IP Address of mailman-core container
lmtp_port: 8024
smtp_host:                   # IP Address of host where postfix is.
smtp_port: 25
configuration: /etc/postfix-mailman.cfg

The configuration file /etc/postfix-mailman.cfg is generated automatically.

Setting up your web server

Although mailman-web runs uwsgi which can be used a full fledged web server, it is recomended to run it behind a webserver like apache or nginx. I have included setup instructions for nginx, but it is not difficult to find setup instructios for Apache and Django.

Add the following to your nging's /etc/nginx/site-available/default

server {

        listen 443 ssl default_server;
        listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;

        server_name MY_SERVER_NAME;
        location /static/ {
             alias /opt/mailman/web/static/;
        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/MY_DOMAIN_NAME/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/MY_DOMAIN_NAME/privkey.pem;

        location / {
                # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                include uwsgi_params;



Please change MY_SERVER_NAME above to the domain name you will be serving the Web UI from. It doesn't have to be same as the one used for Exim(or any MTA).

Also, change ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key options to point at your SSL certificate and ceritfiicate keys. If you don't happen to have one, you can get one for free from Lets Encrypt. They have a very nifty tool called certbot that can be used to obtain the SSL certificates (typically stored in the location mentioned above in the configuraiton if you replace MY_DOMAIN_NAME with your domain name).

SSL Certificates from Lets Encrypt need to be renewed every 90 days. You can setup a cron job to do the job. I have this small shell script(certbot-renew.sh) that you can put up in /etc/cron.monthly to get the job done.

#! /bin/bash

cd /opt/letsencrypt/
./certbot-auto --config /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/MY_DOMAIN_NAME.conf certonly

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        ERRORLOG=`tail /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log`
        echo -e "The Let's Encrypt cert has not been renewed! \n \n" \
        nginx -s reload

exit 0

Please do not forget to make the script executable (chmod +x certbot-renew.sh).


This repository is licensed under MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.