Finance API

##prerequistes Docker Desktop

Directory structure

├── migrations
├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── requirements.txt
├── template/
    ├── index.html
└── financial/

Available Routes

  • "/" route :renders HTML home page
  • /api/financial_data :fetches DB information for a selected stock between the two specified dates, all parameters are optional, if excluded, it will return data for all dates saved in DB, and for all stocks saved.
    • start_date
    • end_date
    • symbol
  • /api/statistics will collect an average opending and closing price of a stock between the start and end date, if dates are excluded, it will return data for all dates saved in DB,
    • symbol

    • start_date
    • end_date
  • /financial_data :gets all Data from database.

Run Docker Container

  1. create a .env file for your api key
  2. run the docker command
docker compose --build

Please note I am useing PostgreSQL for the DATABASE and not sqlite3, Becuase it is a postgreSQL database inside Docker Container there is no need to install PostgreSQL on your local device or create a user and password, this is all done by the App. However: every so often, when creating a new image on init start up, the flask app can initalise and run before the postgreSQL Database is fully configured. This is a bug under Investigation however due to time restraints and it only happining on the intial load I recomend simply running the comand docker compose --build twice if a connection error is observed.

#interation I have intergrated the DataBase update into the startUp of the Api and so there is no need to run the command ~~python this step happens automatically on start up.

from here you can interact with the Data in one of two ways, make standard url calles eg


for financial Data



for the statistics API

or for convience there is basic HTML protal on the route directory that you can visualise the data in a table.

example of expected Data

for /api/financial_data:

    "data": [
            "symbol": "IBM",
            "date": "2023-01-05",
            "open_price": "153.08",
            "close_price": "154.52",
            "volume": "62199013",
            "symbol": "IBM",
            "date": "2023-01-06",
            "open_price": "153.08",
            "close_price": "154.52",
            "volume": "59099013"
            "symbol": "IBM",
            "date": "2023-01-09",
            "open_price": "153.08",
            "close_price": "154.52",
            "volume": "42399013"
    "pagination": {
        "count": 20,
        "page": 2,
        "limit": 3,
        "pages": 7
    "info": {'error': ''}

for api/statistics:

    "data": {
        "start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "end_date": "2023-01-31",
        "symbol": "IBM",
        "average_daily_open_price": 123.45,
        "average_daily_close_price": 234.56,
        "average_daily_volume": 1000000
    "info": {'error': ''}