
Convenience package so that you can keep your data sets in one place, but load them anywhere.

Primary LanguagePython


Convenience package so that you can keep your data sets in one place, but load them anywhere.

Installation Instructions

Clone Datasets, navigate to the resulting directory, and run

pip install .


# utilities for downloading cifar-10, mnist, and fashion-mnist
# mnist-data is included in this repo
from datasets import download_cifar10, download_fashion_mnist, download_mnist

# utilities for loading various data sets
from datasets import load_mnist, load_fashion_mnist, load_cifar10, ToyData

By default, all data sets will be downloaded to ~/datasets. You can overwrite this via

>>> import datasets
>>> datasets.set_path('mydir', mkdir=True)
`datasets module: datasets will be loaded from 'C:\Users\You\mydir'

This will write your datasets path to ~/.datasets.

You can restore the default path with:

>>> datasets.restore_default_path(True)