

This script makes it possible to rename files on the go directly within MPV player window without having to leave it for a second.


This script needs the user-input-module. Follow the appropriate steps. Once thats's done, like any other script. Simply place rename.lua inside ~~/scripts/ directory. Create the folder if it dosen't exist.

After you’ve added in mpv-user-input in the corresponding places. Simply place rename.lua inside scripts directory. Create the directory if it dosen’t exist. This script has only been tested for Windows, but should work on Linux.


You can rename any files directly from MPV. The hotkey is set to F2 on the current file in focus. Once that's pressed, a inputfield will show under the screen and the initial filename will be written out. You can edit the original name or remove it completely and rename it. It's worth noting: renaming won't affect the extension and adding another say .mp4 will simply duplicate it if it already exisists. Pressing ENTER after new filename is written will reload the file and fetch the new name. Playlist will be reloaded as well and remove the original file to avoid duplication. To cancel an on-going rename request simply press ESC either while inputfield is empty or contains a value.

NB: If you want the inputfield to remain empty while renaming. You can simply remove default_input options value or have it set to an empty string "".


Don’t like the normal hot-key? No problem. If you put in <key-binding> script-binding rename-file in your input.conf. It will allow you to use your own custom keybind.

Future Plans

As of now, I have nothing planned for the future. The script is already functioning well but you never know. There is always room for improvement. So feel free to fork it and improve on it with your ideas and imagination.