
The final project of CS290 at OSU

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Final Project Proposal


Zackery Mason-Blaug, masonblz@oregonstate.edu

Timothy Nguyen: nguyeti4@oregonstate.edu

C. Greyston Brady bradychr@oregonstate.edu

Cameron VandenBerg vandenca@oregonstate.edu


Simple browser based spaceship game with highscore and acompanying website essentials. Stretch goals include features like public leaderboards, more complicated gameplay and mobile compatibility.

Concept Art

Hand Drawn Mock


  • Web Game /w Phasor.io

  • Spaceship game, Asteroids/Invader style

    • Stretch Goals
    • 360 movement
    • More complicated objectives
    • Bosses?
    • Power ups
    • Physics Engine Upgrade
    • Box2D?
    • User Suggestions/Bug Reporting via HTML Form -> Github Issues
    • Previous Game Stat Breakdown
    • Cross Platform, Mobile vs. Desktop
  • Leaderboards, potentially public

    • Filter profanity + XSS
    • Local vs Online D.B.
  • Site Structure

    • /About
    • Homepage (.index)
    • /Contact
    • /Play