
Accounts, projects and products integration with HumHub

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Xcoin Module GitHub Build Status Coverage Status

Xcoin is a collaborative currency system for coin creation and exchange.

Table of content


From a global perspective Coinsence is basically based on Xcoin Module since it's the only module that offers accounting utilities where all the magic happens.

Spaces within this module may have many accounts with different types :

  • One DEFAULT account
  • One ISSUE account
  • Many STANDARD accounts
  • Many TASK accounts
  • Many INVESTOR accounts

Although Users can have only one single DEFAULT account .

This module provides all sorts of coins manipulation :

  • Coins issuing
  • Coins transfer
  • Coins exchange

Besides it comes with other features such as :

  • Crowdfunding : Funding your project by raising targeted coin from a large number of users in return of your own coin.

  • Marketplace : An open space where a market of products or services is held, and where payments are done through coins.



Two ways are possible :

  • External Installation (recommended for development purpose) :

    Clone the module outside your Humhub root directory for example in a folder called modules :

       $ cd modules 
       $ git clone https://github.com/Coinsence/humhub-modules-xcoin.git

    Configure Autoload path by adding this small code block in the humhub_root_direcotry/protected/config/common.php file :

      return [
        	'params' => [
          	'moduleAutoloadPaths' => ['/path/to/modules'],        
  • Internal Installation (recommended for direct usage purpose) :

    Just clone the module directly under humhub_root_direcotry/protected/humhub/modules

=> Either ways you need to enable the module through through Browse online tab in the Administration menu under modules section.


Codeception framework is used for testing, you can check some of the implemented tests in tests folder.

  • To simply run tests :

      $ humhub_root_directory/protected/vendor/bin/codecept run  
  • To run specific type of tests (acceptance, unit or functional) :

      $ humhub_root_directory/protected/vendor/bin/codecept run unit  
  • To extract xml or html output :

      $ humhub_root_directory/protected/vendor/bin/codecept run unit --coverage-xml --coverage-html