This project is a plan to publish a live table on the landing page and build out a directory of data visualizations that help explain network values. Please consider contributing.

Currently, price speculation and euphoria has masses going to or other price pages to answer their "Has the price gone up?" questions. instead answers the question we ought to ask ourselves to understand what is happening, "Has the network grown in value?". Network value growth is a much more important growth metric to optimize against than the price of the underlying asset native to the network. (Examples: Dollar for US Economy, Ether for Ethereum, Ada for Cardano, or Bitcoin for Bitcoin) The world needs a barometer for these networks in the same way industrial averages were needed to measure and justify capital allocation at the end of the 1800s.

The network value of money explains the phenomena of changes in purchasing power across networks. When considering which form of money to use, consider the associated network value. When you travel to Paris, you use Francs or Euros because they are the French Economy's and European Union's native assets; two networks that you find yourself within. If you try to use dollars here you may find some success, but typically with middle men that convert the currencies, destroying your purchasing power in the process.

As the network value increases the purchasing power of the network's native asset also increases. This can be displaced through inflationary supply policies as we see today with modern fiat. I've decided to use bitcoin as the base unit for network values because it represents the first cryptographically secure and transparent record with sound economic principles for a store of value over time. You would be able to measure the US Economy's network value in terms of bitcoin with the right set of global banking data, volume estimates for cash transactions, and Federal Reserve audits.

Optimizing for the growth of network value rather than the price of the underlying native asset is a key concept for unlocking cryptoassets' potential for new forms of human organization and progress.