This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Run the site

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

How to create a static build

yarn build && yarn export

The static version of the app in the out directory.

Simulate ending the LSW

Run a local node from the CORE-secret repo

cd ~/CORE-secret/src
yarn run build
npx hardhat node
 # Then, in a new terminal window
./ tests_live/operations/delta/end_lsw.js --local

Your local node will now have a forked mainnet that has the LSW already ending, you can point metamask to this node and test the site on localhost:3000

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Running with the hardhat node

In the core contracts repository start the hardhat local node.

$ cd src
$ npx hardhat node --config hardhat.v076.config.js

When the hardhat node is started it should show a list of account and their associated private key which can be imported to metamask.

Once started, open another window in the core contract repo and run the operation on the local hardhat node that ends the LSW. This operation also transfer some DELTA to account1.

$ cd src
$ ./ tests_live/operations/setup_website_env.js  --local

Once ran, it should display the DELTA token address. This address should be replaced in the one inside config/inodex.js

Make sure the other address listen in the console are updated as well, if needed.

In metamask, import account1 and connect to the local RPC localhost network. Chain id should be set to 1 and the other values left to default.