
It's a demo code for my workshop 'web-parallax-101'

Web Parallax 101


There are the demo code for my 'web-parallax-101' workshop. It's purpose to show how to implement the 2D, 3D parallax effect in browser.

How to use

There are two directories in the root directory:

  1. 2d-project: A demo show how to implement 2d parallax effect by use parallax.js library;
  2. 3d-project: A demo show how to implement 3d parallax effect by use three.js library;

You can start at the '2d-project-start' branch and change to '2d-project-end' branch to check out if you code right.

The '3d-project' also use same named rule.

You can read the README.md file in each directory to prevent stucking in coding.


