
BiLSTM for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS).

Primary LanguagePython


BiLSTM model for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS).



CICIDS2017 dataset contains benign and the most up-to-date common attacks, which resembles the true real-world data (PCAPs). It also includes the results of the network traffic analysis using CICFlowMeter with labeled flows based on the time stamp, source, and destination IPs, source and destination ports, protocols and attack (CSV files).

Generating realistic background traffic was our top priority in building this dataset. We have used our proposed B-Profile system (Sharafaldin, et al. 2016) to profile the abstract behavior of human interactions and generates naturalistic benign background traffic. For this dataset, we built the abstract behaviour of 25 users based on the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, and email protocols.

The data capturing period started at 9 a.m., Monday, July 3, 2017 and ended at 5 p.m. on Friday July 7, 2017, for a total of 5 days. Monday is the normal day and only includes the benign traffic. The implemented attacks include Brute Force FTP, Brute Force SSH, DoS, Heartbleed, Web Attack, Infiltration, Botnet and DDoS. They have been executed both morning and afternoon on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


In CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset, we use the notion of profiles to generate datasets in a systematic manner, which will contain detailed descriptions of intrusions and abstract distribution models for applications, protocols, or lower level network entities. These profiles can be used by agents or human operators to generate events on the network. Due to the abstract nature of the generated profiles, we can apply them to a diverse range of network protocols with different topologies. Profiles can be used together to generate a dataset for specific needs.

List of extracted traffic features by CICFlowMeter-V3

Feature Name Description
fl_dur Flow duration
tot_fw_pk Total packets in the forward direction
tot_bw_pk Total packets in the backward direction
tot_l_fw_pkt Total size of packet in forward direction
fw_pkt_l_max Maximum size of packet in forward direction
fw_pkt_l_min Minimum size of packet in forward direction
fw_pkt_l_avg Average size of packet in forward direction
fw_pkt_l_std Standard deviation size of packet in forward direction
Bw_pkt_l_max Maximum size of packet in backward direction
Bw_pkt_l_min Minimum size of packet in backward direction
Bw_pkt_l_avg Mean size of packet in backward direction
Bw_pkt_l_std Standard deviation size of packet in backward direction
fl_byt_s flow byte rate that is number of packets transferred per second
fl_pkt_s flow packets rate that is number of packets transferred per second
fl_iat_avg Average time between two flows
fl_iat_std Standard deviation time two flows
fl_iat_max Maximum time between two flows
fl_iat_min Minimum time between two flows
fw_iat_tot Total time between two packets sent in the forward direction
fw_iat_avg Mean time between two packets sent in the forward direction
fw_iat_std Standard deviation time between two packets sent in the forward direction
fw_iat_max Maximum time between two packets sent in the forward direction
fw_iat_min Minimum time between two packets sent in the forward direction
bw_iat_tot Total time between two packets sent in the backward direction
bw_iat_avg Mean time between two packets sent in the backward direction
bw_iat_std Standard deviation time between two packets sent in the backward direction
bw_iat_max Maximum time between two packets sent in the backward direction
bw_iat_min Minimum time between two packets sent in the backward direction
fw_psh_flag Number of times the PSH flag was set in packets travelling in the forward direction (0 for UDP)
bw_psh_flag Number of times the PSH flag was set in packets travelling in the backward direction (0 for UDP)
fw_urg_flag Number of times the URG flag was set in packets travelling in the forward direction (0 for UDP)
bw_urg_flag Number of times the URG flag was set in packets travelling in the backward direction (0 for UDP)
fw_hdr_len Total bytes used for headers in the forward direction
bw_hdr_len Total bytes used for headers in the forward direction
fw_pkt_s Number of forward packets per second
bw_pkt_s Number of backward packets per second
pkt_len_min Minimum length of a flow
pkt_len_max Maximum length of a flow
pkt_len_avg Mean length of a flow
pkt_len_std Standard deviation length of a flow
pkt_len_va Minimum inter-arrival time of packet
fin_cnt Number of packets with FIN
syn_cnt Number of packets with SYN
rst_cnt Number of packets with RST
pst_cnt Number of packets with PUSH
ack_cnt Number of packets with ACK
urg_cnt Number of packets with URG
cwe_cnt Number of packets with CWE
ece_cnt Number of packets with ECE
down_up_ratio Download and upload ratio
pkt_size_avg Average size of packet
fw_seg_avg Average size observed in the forward direction
bw_seg_avg Average size observed in the backward direction
fw_byt_blk_avg Average number of bytes bulk rate in the forward direction
fw_pkt_blk_avg Average number of packets bulk rate in the forward direction
fw_blk_rate_avg Average number of bulk rate in the forward direction
bw_byt_blk_avg Average number of bytes bulk rate in the backward direction
bw_pkt_blk_avg Average number of packets bulk rate in the backward direction
bw_blk_rate_avg Average number of bulk rate in the backward direction
subfl_fw_pk The average number of packets in a sub flow in the forward direction
subfl_fw_byt The average number of bytes in a sub flow in the forward direction
subfl_bw_pkt The average number of packets in a sub flow in the backward direction
subfl_bw_byt The average number of bytes in a sub flow in the backward direction
fw_win_byt Number of bytes sent in initial window in the forward direction
bw_win_byt # of bytes sent in initial window in the backward direction
Fw_act_pkt # of packets with at least 1 byte of TCP data payload in the forward direction
fw_seg_min Minimum segment size observed in the forward direction
atv_avg Mean time a flow was active before becoming idle
atv_std Standard deviation time a flow was active before becoming idle
atv_max Maximum time a flow was active before becoming idle
atv_min Minimum time a flow was active before becoming idle
idl_avg Mean time a flow was idle before becoming active
idl_std Standard deviation time a flow was idle before becoming active
idl_max Maximum time a flow was idle before becoming active
idl_min Minimum time a flow was idle before becoming active