

Primary LanguagePython


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Platform 1 - JarvisOJ

Jarvis OJ is a CTF training platform developed by Jarvis from USSLab in ZJU. This platform will collect or make a series of problems having a good quality for CTFers to solve. Hope you can improve your security skills in this platform and enjoy it.

Platform 2 - ROP Emporium

Learn return-oriented programming through a series of challenges.

ret2win means "return here to win" and it's recommended you start with this challenge. Visit the challenge page by clicking this card to learn more.

ret2win means "return here to win" and it's recommended you start with this challenge. Visit the challenge page by clicking this card to learn more.

Chain calls to multiple imported methods with specific arguments and see how the differences between 64 & 32 bit calling conventions affect your ROP chain.

Find and manipulate gadgets to construct an arbitrary write primitive, then use it to learn where and how to get your data into process memory.

Learn to deal with "badchars": characters that will not make it into process memory intact or cause other issues such as premature chain termination.

Sort the useful gadgets from the fluff to construct another write primitive in this challenge. You'll have to get creative though, the gadgets aren't straightforward.

Stack space is at a premium in this challenge and you'll have to pivot the stack onto a second ROP chain elsewhere in memory to ensure your success.

Learn a ROP technique that lets you populate useful calling convention registers like rdi, rsi and rdx even in an environment where gadgets are sparse.

Platform 3 - pwnable

Pwnable.tw is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.