
Notes, homework, labs and other programming files from ECEC201

Primary LanguageC


This repository is for ECEC-201 Spring 2022. Course content broken down into weeks 1-9, including projects 1 and 2. Each week has a homework, lab, and optional lecture documents.


This C file is a compilation of all my C/C++ notes. It contains the notes I took from this course plus documentation I wrote during my 2021-2022 Co-op at the PAFDC.


This API is to streamline the interaction with Doubly Linked lists. Contains container_of() macro along with other useful doubly linked list functions. Intended application would be to use as embedded nodes for custom data structures.

Project 1

For this course, Project 1 was to complete a light toggling game. Objective is to turn off all the lights.

Project 2

Project 2 was to write a file compression and decompression software using run length encoding. This program can also generate a testfile and perform a hex dump of a given file

Usage: ./rle -d|-g|-c|-x <filename.ext>

I got 10% off because I switched 2 lines of code. When rle file is invalid, it accidentally creates empty file