ShopHopper Webscrapers


Instructions to Run Scraper

1. Go to root folder in terminal and execute npm install to install all required packages and libraries.

2. Change directory to the lightspeed folder using cd Lightspeed.

3. Execute node index.js to execute the scraper.

Feedback Guide


URL: This is the base URL that is currently being parsed.

After URL: are all the individual .ajax product urls that are scraped from that url.


After execution, a small part of the results will be displayed in the terminal, as well as the amount of items scraped and the execution time in milliseconds.

The full output of the scraper is written in lightspeedOutputJson.json in the Lightspeed folder.

Packages and Versions (April 4th, 2022)

cheerio - ^1.0.0-rc.10
node-fetch - ^2.88.2
request: ^2.88.2
request-promise - ^4.2.6