Labels for separate hemispheres
dr-xenia opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear team,
I really enjoy your parcellation- thank you so much for this! As I would like to use it as ROIs for my tractography, I need to translate them to MNI space which is really hard using connectome workbench (that is suited for cortex data and does not recognize that the .surf.gii-files that you included contain the subcortex - there is an error message saying: "specified file and direction does not contain the requested surface structure 'CEREBELLUM'/BRAIN_STEM etc).
I tried to use the .nii.gz-files from the SeparateHemispheres folder, however the amount of regions is not exactly the same as in LR (left hemisphere: 213 regions, right: 180 regions), so I do not know how to label the regions. Could you provide me with the labels for these files? Thanks!
Hi Xenia, thank you for your interest in our parcellation! If you are using the subcortical files in SeparateHemispheres (i.e. subcortex_atlas_GSR_parcels_L.nii and subcortex_atlas_GSR_parcels_R.nii) these are labelled volume files in MNI space. If you type in wb_command -file-information subcortex_atlas_GSR_parcels_R.nii
in the command line it should print the label names; in Workbench, clicking on the parcel should report the label in the information window. We did not enforce symmetry in the subcortical solution, hence there are a different number of parcels in the L and R hemispheres. Note also that in the separate-hemisphere files we split the subcortical parcels that transverse the midline in the whole-brain solution (e.g. in the brainstem), so they are represented twice (once in the L file and once in the R).