
About Me

I am a former NYC technical recruiter turned Software Engineer. I've spent the last decade working with brilliant engineers as a recruiter in helping to fill roles with numerous tech startups in and around the Manhattan area. I'm a firm believer that software and technology are going to solve many of the world's problems, but until recently, I haven't had the skills to be able to contribute. I look forward to a lifetime of continued education in this field and aim to keep this profile updated with information about my endeavors.


Asana-Clone (Node.js, ReactJS, Sequelize, Express) live | github

Built a clone of the popular team-based workflow management application called Asana

  • ReactJS
    • Created several custom class-based React components for adding tasks/columns
    • Used node-fetch to persist data and positioning of tasks/columns to the database on dragEnd events
    • Utilized React Beautiful DnD to create fluid, intuitive drag/drop interactions with task cards in the browser
  • Sequelize ORM
    • Implemented custom models for users, teams, projects, and tasks
    • Utilized Sequelize hooks to encrypt and hash registration passwords using the bcryptjs package
    • Used custom data validation to confirm data input
    • Implemented express-session to track and persist end-user login state
  • Node.js / Express
    • Used Express to manage Restful API endpoints
    • Created custom middleware to manage security and authorization throughout the application
    • Added routes to handle CRUD operations for users, tasks, teams, projects, and columns

AlgoReact (ReactJS) live | github

a sorting algorithm visualizer

  • React.js
    • Used React Router to handle routing
    • Extensive use of hooks like useState, useEffect, and useContext to manage a global state and allow for data to persist for the lifetime of the data set
    • Use of useHistory and useRef to elegantly handle page animated page transitions
  • Framer Motion API
    • Explored some of the fundamentals of the framer motion API to build in seamless page transitions and animate the sorting visuals
  • Material UI
    • Self-taught the basics of material UI components and theming to built a custom control widget
    • Widget allows user to control animations and the size of the data set along with resetting or starting a sort.

Current areas of study:

  • JavaScript / Node.js
  • Python
  • React
  • Express / Flask
  • Sequelize / SQLAlchemy
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML / CSS

Future areas of study:

  • Docker
  • Microservices
  • Threading

Please come find me and connect:

