
:rocket: Warmups, for Developers

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Programming warmups, for developers


Binder Netlify Status


Based on the course framework that Ines Montani developed for her spaCy course, this repository contains the source code for the www.warmups.dev platform that offers developers the opportunity to master basic programming skills and rev up their minds. The front-end is powered by Gatsby and Reveal.js and the back-end code execution uses Binder. This web site will only work correctly if it has a build with Binder for the current version of the binder/requirements.txt file.

Running the Site

To start the local development server, install Gatsby and then all other dependencies. This should serve up the app on localhost:8000.

npm install -g gatsby-cli  # Install Gatsby globally
npm install                # Install dependencies
npm run dev                # Run the development server
npm run build              # Build the entire site

Setup for and Use of Binder

The requirements.txt in the repository defines the packages that are installed when building it with Binder. You can specify the binder settings like repo, branch and kernel type in the "juniper" section of the meta.json. You can run the very first build via the interface on the Binder website, as this gives you a detailed build log and feedback on whether everything worked as expected. Importantly, a push to the binder branch of this repository will automatically build and deploy a Binder image for use with the deployed version of the web site.