This repository serves as a template for setting up version control with .docx file extensions.
- Create a new repository for the new project
- Copy the setup folder to the new repository
- Run the file to configure the repository (note: run this from the setup folder, otherwise the script cannot find the necesarry files)
- Optionally copy the gitignore file, which is set tot ignore temporary macOS and temporary docx files (ie., ~$ile or .DS_STORE).
- Open the setup folder and move the 'gitignore template' file to the main level of the new repository
- Rename the 'gitignore template' file to '.gitignore'
- The setup folder can now be deleted from the new repository
And done. Whenever a .docx file is edited in the repository and it is included in a commit, the scripts will convert it to a .md file that can be read by Git.