Welcome to Cursor!

Thanks for trying out the beta of Cursor, a VSCode-based code editor built for pair-programming with AI.

To get started, click on projects/ and then the folder of your favoriate language (e.g. projects/python).

Importing Settings

Hit the gear in the top right and click the "Import from VSCode" button.



Hit Cmd+L or Ctrl+L. People use this to find bugs, explain code, ask about how to use an open source library.

To have it focus on a particular block of code, highlight with your mouse and then hit Command+L.


When you want the AI to change some code for you, use your mouse to select the code. Then, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K.


With no code highlighted, hit Cmd+K or Ctrl+K.

Fix bugs

Hover over linter errors and click "Fix in chat" to have the AI figure out how to fix it.

What can the AI see?

For all the features, the AI can see the code in your immediate file. To have it look at particular methods or classes, try writing `classname` in your prompt.


You can use Cursor with two AI models.

  • GPT-3.5: Reliable for simple queries. Fast. Available to all users.
  • GPT-4: Very good at coding. Slow. Available to pro subscribers.


If you run into any trouble or have any feedback, feel free to reach out at admin@cursor.so.