
Cute weather app built in Electron - Implemented a much easier build setup

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Weather.app - also known as Weather.exe

Ok, but what is it?

Weather started as a little side project of mine. It's an app built in Electron, powered by OpenWeatherMap.

weatherapp prev

How to run it?

  1. First of all, you have to supply your OpenWeatherMap api key (you can find it here). Then, copy .env.example and rename it to .env. You can put your key and city name in this file.- the tutorial is here

  2. Then, run npm install in the project directory.

  3. Now, package Weather using npm run package

  4. Run the Weather.exe or, if You are on Mac, Weather.app

If You just want to preview it, just download the already built package here!

What can it do?

Currently not much. Weather lives in system tray waiting for you to open it. It only displays current temperature, pressure, humidity, min - max temperature and wind speed.

Key Shortcuts

CTRL + R - Refresh view

Known bugs

  • Weather not updating by itself
  • Hardcoded api key and localization

Can I fix the app?

Sure! Any bugfix is greatly appreciated!

I love this app!

Happy to hear that :) If You want to help me, you can support me on PayPal

thanks for reading ;P ~whoisroyal/0-1-0-1