
🏡 My Windows environment setup

Primary LanguageShell


  • target plateforms: Windows 10


Things I use :



  1. Open a PowerShell terminal as administrator Right click on start > Windows PowerShell (admin)
  2. Run this :
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; &([scriptblock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ColinPeyrat/dotfiles/master/setup-windows.ps1')))"


  1. First, install WSL.
  2. Open a new Bash window
  3. Run this :
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ColinPeyrat/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles && ./setup-linux.sh

Post-installation steps

  1. Replace data inside ~/.gitconfig.local with personal data

Setting up Windows Terminal

  1. Open settings ctrl+,
  2. Replace the whole file with windows-terminal/settings.json

Setting up AutoHotKeys scripts

  1. Open a new bash window and run this :
cd ~/.dotfiles/autohotkey/ && explorer.exe $(wslpath -w $(pwd))
  1. Start all AutoHotKeys script you need.
  2. To make thoses scripts start everytime you boot, follow this link

Setting up Unity

To have a proper Intellisense completion with Visual Studio Code and Unity you need to have installed Visual Studio Community :

  1. Unity Hub > Installs
  2. Add modules > check Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
  3. Click Next and follow installation steps.

Then, we need to set VSCode as Unity editor :

  1. Open Edit > Preferences
  2. Go to External Tools
  3. Set Visual Studio Code as External Script Editor

Open a Unity project folder with VSCode and check if Intellisense is working.

If it's not working we need to setup dotnet framework for Omnisharp :

  1. Open the Omnisharp Log (click on the fire logo in the bottom bar)
  2. Look for a line which says that you have to install a specific dotnet framework version (eg. 4.7.2)
  3. Click on the link and find this specific version in the list
  4. Download and install
  5. Restart VSCode and everything should works fine !