ExaDEM is a software solution in the field of computational simulations. It's a Discrete Element Method (DEM) code developed within the exaNBody framework. This framework provides the basis for DEM functionalities and performance optimizations. A notable aspect of ExaDEM is its hybrid parallelization approach, which combines the use of MPI (Message Passing Interface) and Threads (OpenMP). This combination aims to enhance computation times for simulations, making them more efficient and manageable.
Additionally, ExaDEM offers compatibility with MPI+GPUs, using the CUDA programming model (Onika layer). This feature provides the option to leverage GPU processing power for potential performance gains in simulations. Written in C++17, ExaDEM is built on a contemporary codebase. It aims to provide researchers and engineers with a tool for adressing DEM simulations.
Documentation is available here:
- Github: ExaDEM Documentation
- Website: ExaDEM Website
Build the documentation:
git clone https://github.com/Collab4exaNBody/doc_exaDEM.git
cd doc_exaDEM/
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd doc_exaNBody && git pull && cd ..
make html
firefox build/html/index.html
To proceed with the installation, your system must meet the minimum prerequisites. The first step involves the installation of exaNBody:
git clone https://github.com/Collab4exaNBody/exaNBody.git
export exaNBody_DIR=${PWD}/exaNBody
The next step involves the installation of yaml-cpp, which can be achieved using either the spack package manager or cmake:
spack install yaml-cpp@0.6.3
spack load yaml-cpp@0.6.3
apt install libyaml-cpp-dev
Before proceeding further, you have the option to consider the following dependencies:
- Cuda
To install ExaDEM
, follow these steps:
Set the exaNBody_DIR
environment variable to the installation path. Clone the ExaDEM repository using the command:
git clone https://github.com/Collab4exaNBody/exaDEM.git
Create a directory named build-exaDEM and navigate into it:
mkdir build-exaDEM && cd build-exaDEM
Run CMake to configure the ExaDEM build, specifying that CUDA support should be turned off:
Build ExaDEM using the make command with a specified number of parallel jobs (e.g., -j 4 for 4 parallel jobs):
make -j 4
Build Plugins
make UpdatePluginDataBase
This command will display all plugins and related operators. Example:
+ exadem_force_fieldPlugin
operator cylinder_wall
operator gravity_force
operator hooke_force
operator rigid_surface
+ exadem_ioPlugin
operator print_simulation_state
operator read_xyz
operator read_dump_particles
Installation with spack is preferable for people who don't want to develop in ExaDEM
. Only stable versions are added when you install ExaDEM
with Spack
. Note: ExaDEM
main will never be directly accessible via this installation method.
git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
export SPACK_ROOT=$PWD/spack
source ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/setup-env.sh
First get the spack repository in ExaDEM
directory and it to spack. It contains two packages: exanbody
and exadem
git clone https://github.com/Collab4exaNBody/exaDEM.git
cd exaDEM
spack repo add spack_repo
Current variante(s):
- +cuda: Add GPU support (disabled by default)
Second install ExaDEM
(this command will install cmake, yaml-cpp and exanbody).
spack install exadem
Finally the ExaDEM
executable has been created in the spack directory. You can run your simulation with your input file (your_input_file.msp
) such as:
spack load exadem
exaDEM your_input_file.msp
Now that you have installed the exaDEM and exaNBody packages, you can create your simulation file in YAML format (refer to the 'example' folder or the documentation for each operator). Once this file is constructed, you can initiate your simulation using the following instructions.
export N_OMP=1
export N_MPI=1
mpirun -n $N_MPI ./exaDEM test-case.msp
Note: for your first example, copy the exaDEM/example/spheres/rotating-drum/
directory, cd rotating-drum
, and run path-to-build/exaDEM rotating-drum.msp
ctest --test-dir example
is part of the PLEIADES
platform which has been developped in collaboration with the French nuclear industry - mainly CEA
, and Framatome
- for simulation of fuel1 elements.