
왜 이러한 레포지토리를 만들었나요?

  • React에 대한 이해도를 높이기 위해 영어로 작성된 공식 문서를 직접 번역하였습니다.
  • 이후에 React 공부를 희망하는 사람들에게 사용될 수 있는 자료가 될 수 있도록 합니다.
  • 오역/의역이 있거나 어색한 부분에 대한 피드백을 해주신다면 감사하겠습니다.

진행 상황

  • Learn
    • 01. Describing the UI
      • 1. Your First Component
      • 2. Importing and Exporting Components
      • 3. Writing Markup with JSX
      • 4. JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
      • 5. Passing Props to a Component
      • 6. Conditional Rendering
      • 7. Rendering Lists
      • 8. Keeping Components Pure
    • 02. Adding Interactivity
      • 1. Responding to Events
      • 2. State: A Component's Memory
      • 3. Render and Commit
      • 4.State as a Snapshot
      • 5. Queueing a Series of State Updates
      • 6. Updating Objects in State
      • 7. Updating Arrays in State
    • 03. Managing State
      • 1. Reacting to Input with State
      • 2. Choosing the State Structure
      • 3. Sharing State Between Components
      • 4. Preserving and Resetting State
      • 5. Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
      • 6. Passing Data Deeply with Context
      • 7. Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
    • 04. Escape Hatches
      • 1. Referencing Values with Refs
      • 2. Manipulating the DOM with Refs
      • 3. Synchronizing with Effects
      • 4. You Might Not Need an Effect
      • 5. Lifecycle of Reactive Effects
      • 6. Separating Events from Effects
      • 7. Removing Effect Dependencies
      • 8. Reusing Logic with Custom Hooks

  • Hooks
    • useCallback
    • useContext
    • useDebugValue
    • useDeferredValue
    • useEffect
    • useId
    • useImperativeHandle
    • useInsertionEffect
    • useLayoutEffect
    • useMemo
    • useReducer
    • useRef
    • useState
    • useSyncExternalStore
    • useTransition

  • Component
    • <Fragment>(<>)
    • <Profiler>
    • <StrictMode>
    • <Suspense>

  • APIs
    • createContext
    • forwardRef
    • lazy
    • memo
    • startTransition

  • Directives
    • [] use client
    • [] use server