
Literature review platform that everyone can contribute.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Platform for Open Science

Project Development Overview

We are building a OSS software for researchers to collaborate for their reseach projects like programmers do on github for their software developments. Our goal is to establish a platform such that:

  • Contribution Driven - evyeryone can edit article, add data or reference. Each modification undergo review, and when accepted it is hornored under your name.
  • Universal citation - repository can accept any format of data, and every citation is expressed via doi. Citaions are the dependency of the projects. Each citation is a link and points the single source of truth.
  • Collective review - the validity and impact of a project is measured by how many other projects accept it. We don't need to rely on busy peers, which may biased and taking much time.


We are using:

  • Frontend - Next, Radix UI, TailwindCSS,
  • Backend - Realtime database, FireStore, Firebase Authentication
    • We are planning migration to Radis later. Contact me if you have experience in Radis and storing binary and structured data.
  • Great Libraries We use - yjs

Getting Started

Visit: gnt.place

When you try this locally,

First, run the development server:

in top directory npm install

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

make sure you have installed next in your global environment.