- 0
- 0
Proxy generation
#52 opened by GrahamTheCoder - 5
- 5
- 5
- 7
Generator To Serialize/Deserialize Objects
#30 opened by furesoft - 2
@With need to return a copy of the object?
#44 opened by cristi-ruja - 1
- 1
Unable to use With..
#41 opened by Alexander-Tribushny-DataArt - 1
Async and AsyncOverload
#40 opened by xafero - 1
Don't change field name in parameters list
#38 opened by View12138 - 2
- 3
#34 opened by Alexander-Tribushny-DataArt - 1
- 4
Generator for enum values
#4 opened by CollinAlpert - 1
Auto repair code instead of error
#35 opened by RashSnake - 6
Generator For freezable Pattern
#33 opened by furesoft - 11
- 1
- 1
Constructor access modifiers cannot be customized when using constructor generators
#25 opened by View12138 - 4
- 5
[NotifyPropertyChanging] Question & Issue
#24 opened by RealDotNetDave - 12
Unity Support
#22 opened by igor-100 - 2
- 12
Add Accessor Parameter for Async Attribute
#15 opened by Aytackydln - 1
ToString, support for masking sensitive data
#20 opened by cimicdk - 2
- 5
Field initialized readonly fields are added as Constructor Parameter with RequiredArgsConstructor Attribute
#16 opened by Aytackydln - 1
- 1
NotifyPropertyChanged inheritance problems
#17 opened by Aytackydln - 3
- 3
Lombok.Net with .net framework
#13 opened by Alexander-Gerontas - 2
Support for all release targets of .NET MAUI?
#11 opened by Nerketur - 5
Why [AllArgsConstructor(MemberType.Property, AccessTypes.Public)] Require the first letter should be capitalized?
#12 opened by tianmafly - 18
- 2
how to use chain call?
#8 opened by tianmafly - 5
Generator doesn't work
#9 opened by View12138 - 5
Is there any option to make the `[Singleton]` attribute return `Lazy<T>` instead of `T`?
#7 opened by hunter-richardson - 2
Doesn't work
#6 opened by clincks - 17
An instance of analyzer cannot be created
#1 opened by Flavien - 5
- 2
Feature Requests
#2 opened by Christophe06410