Backend for Team Rio Written in Django for the Space Ya Tech Project
- Overview
- Contributing
- Commit message
- Handling Phone Numbers
- Authentication
- Tests
- Admin Site Titles
- Blog Api
- Blog Admin
The SpaceYaTech Content Management system is an open-application that lets users to quickly publish content and share it with ease to their audience. Inspired by existing CMSes like Hashnode, Wordpress, DEV and Joomla, we felt the need to create an African CMS created by young Africans looking to learn by contributing to Open Source. SpaceYaTech opted for a CMS as the debut open source project because of the technicalities involved in creating, maintaining and scaling a CMS. A CMS poses great technical challenges and a great learning opportunity for those looking to grow their tech skills. For a more detailed overview of the project, read through the CMS Backend wiki
Get to read the Contributions guide here.
Just so that we have all our commit messages to be more readable and sensible it is recomended we use a template for the commit messages. Here is a commit message template that one should follow when making your Contributions
In order to use PhoneNumber_field for localization option, perform the following:
- Install phonenumber minimal metadata
pip install "django-phonenumber-field[phonenumberslite]"
- Install phonenumber extended features (e.g. geocoding)
pip install "django-phonenumber-field[phonenumbers]"
- Add
to the list of the installed apps in
# Other apps…
- Model field section add the following:
from phonenumber_field.modelfields import PhoneNumberField
phone_number = PhoneNumberField(blank=True)
For authentication you follow this instructions:
Since we are using djangorest framework. Install the django rest framework library and add it to the INSTALLED_APPS as a third party app.
Create the serializers by adding a new file in your accounts app and name it
In the serializers file create the needed serializers in this case , UserSerializer, RegisterSerializer, AddAccountSerializer.
Create the api views in the file in the accounts app. In this case the UserView, RegisterView, AddAccountView
Create the corresponding urls by creating a file in your accounts app. Make sure to include your app urls in your projects file in the following way
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
#Other patterns
path("", include("accounts.urls"))
- Install the djangorestframework jwt library
pip install djangorestframework_simplejwt
- In your projects configure the REST_FRAMEWORK settings to use JWT and set the AUTH_HEADER_TYPE as JWT. For the access token lifetime i've set it to 1 day for testing purposes.
'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(days=1),
- In your add the following:
from rest_framework_simplejwt import views as jwt_views
urlpatterns = [
#Other patterns
path('api/token/', jwt_views.TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
path('api/token/refresh/', jwt_views.TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),
- Add various permissions to your apis in the file.
Add your tests in the test file in the test folder which is located in the app you want to test.
To run all tests
python3 test
To run tests in a particular app
python3 test [appname]
Having the site titles for the project to read SpacryaTech
The blog api {{baseurl}}/blog/ shows a list of all available blog posts (Stori/Mastori) The model naming is abitrary and can be subject to change if need be Ther is also need to filter out the various blogposts in relation ti their tittle or date posted hence the filter
Here the implementation is more similar to the api but for the admin the search fields are title and content
search_fields = ['title', 'content']
theres also an addition of a slug field this is in anticipation of creation of the detail view the slug could be used to generate more elaborate urls for specific blogposts (mastori) Filtering has also been implemented here by filtering on the basis of the post ststus
list_filter = ("status",)
here a post is either a draft or published