
The second version of the WeConnect API.With database intergration. WeConnect provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together. This platform creates awareness for businesses and gives the users the ability to write reviews about the businesses they have interacted with using an API.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


WeConnect provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together. This platform creates awareness for businesses and gives the users the ability to write reviews about the businesses they have interacted with using an api Build StatusCodacy BadgeCoverage Status

Getting Started

-git clone https://github.com/Collins33/WeConnect_v2.git

-cd WeConnect_v2

-virtualenv venv

-source venv/bin/activate

-pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment varialbles

-Create a .env file

-Add it to .gitignore

-Add the following to it:

export FLASK_APP="run.py"

export SECRET="some-very-long-string-of-random-characters-CHANGE-TO-YOUR-LIKING"

export APP_SETTINGS="development"

export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://localhost/"

export PORT=465

export MAIL="xxxx@gmail.com"

export PASSWORD="xxxx"

export TLS=False

export SSL=True


-Ensure Postgresql is installed in your machine

-Create database: weconnect

-Create test database: test_db


-python manage.py db init

-python manage.py db migrate

-python manage.py db upgrade

Running tests


-nosetests --with-coverage


-python 3.6

-virtual environment


Running it on machine

-create .env file and add the environment variables

-run source .env

-flask run


POST /api/auth/register This will register the user
POST /api/auth/login This will login a registered user
POST /api/auth/logout This will log out a logged in user
POST /api/auth/reset-password This will reset the password
POST /api/businesses This will add the business
PUT /api/businesses/businessId This will update the business
DELETE /api//businesses/businessId This will delete a business
GET /api/businesses This will get all businesses
GET /api/businesses/businessId retrieve a single business by id
GET /api/businesses/businessName retrieve a single business by name
POST /api/businesses/businessId/reviews add a review
GET /api/businesses/businessId/reviews get all reviews for a business
GET /api/v2/business/paginate/page&limit This limits amount of businesses retrieved to amount specified and the number of pages

Built With




This project is licensed under the MIT License