Backend Task

Create a REST API

  • endpoint that would fetch 5 random drinks from the cocktails API http://localhost:8000/api/cocktails/random
  • endpoint to fetch the details of one cocktail and its ingredients http://localhost:8000/api/cocktail?cocktail_id=13936
  • endpoint to create a custom drink stored in a local database http://localhost:8000/api/custom/cocktails/
  • endpoint to update the custom drink methods = [PUT, PATCH] http://localhost:8000/api/custom/cocktails/1/
  • endpoint to view the custom drink http://localhost:8000/api/custom/cocktails/1/
  • endpoint to fetch 5 latest custom drinks http://localhost:8000/api/cocktails/latest

Custom Cocktail sample data

    "drink_id": "13936",
    "cocktail_name": "Miami Vice",
    "cocktail_type": "custom",
    "cocktail_details": {
        "idDrink": "13936",
        "strDrink": "Miami Vice",
        "strTags": "IBA",
        "strCategory": "Cocktail",
        "strAlcoholic": "Alcoholic",
        "strGlass": "Cocktail glass",
        "strInstructions": "First: Mix pina colada with 2.5 oz. of rum with ice(set aside). Second: Mix daiquiri with 2.5 oz. of rum with ice. Third: While frozen, add pina colada mix then daiquiri mix in glass (Making sure they do not get mixed together).",
        "strDrinkThumb": "",
        "strIngredient1": "151 proof rum",
        "strIngredient2": "Pina colada mix",
        "strIngredient3": "Daiquiri mix",
        "strMeasure1": "5 oz Bacardi ",
        "strMeasure2": "frozen ",
        "strMeasure3": "frozen ",
        "strCreativeCommonsConfirmed": "No",
        "dateModified": "2015-09-02 16:49:15"

How to set up

  • clone the repository
  • create a virtual environment and install the packages from the requirements file using the below command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • create a postgres database
  • create a .env file from the env-sample file & fill in the db details, and the cocktail db api key
  • run the following commands after.
  • ./ makemigrations cocktail_app
  • ./ migrate
  • ./ runserver